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We put an attorney in your passenger seat. 

Next time you’re pulled over, feel safe and empowered with on-demand legal guidance from an attorney. TurnSignl connects you over video chat with a lawyer at the press of a button, and a recording of the encounter is immediately saved to your personal cloud.

Our attorneys are there to protect your rights and trained in de-escalation, so you can rely on them to guide the interaction and get you home safely.

Best Sacramento Private Investigator

Lance Casey & Associates

California Licensed Private Detective #27617

Private Call/Text:

(916) 312-3185


Uncovering Truth, Igniting Action: Meet Your Live-Streaming P.I.

Craving the adrenaline rush of real-time action? Seeking the satisfaction of uncovering hidden truths? Look no further. I’m not your average private investigator. I’m a seasoned ex-cop armed with the street smarts of a detective and the tech-savvy instincts of a digital sleuth. My weapon? Not just a magnifying glass, but a live stream straight to your screens.

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